Thursday, May 3, 2012

I wanna be crunchy...

Well, sorta. I have crunchy mama (aka all-natural) tendencies. I am not as cool and crunchy as tons of you mamas out there that go the distance, and I don't claim to be. I want to treat the earth well. My daughter, along with her generation (and future generations), deserve a healthy planet. I try to use things that are chemical-free and safe. I'm trying to find fresher, healthier alternatives, and cut out the processed garbage we eat every day .
Breastfeeding is green! I am still nursing a wild, rambunctious 17-month-old. Never did I think I would breastfeed for as long as I have. And I'm so thankful I made that decision and stuck with it.
We try to buy organic! The area we're in doesn't have much to offer, but we get what we can.
I recently made the decision to start cloth diapering and I'm SO excited!
Love these diapers!
I know, I used disposables for 17 months; I regret that. Recently, I discovered this wide world of cloth! Cloth diapers, cloth wipes, cloth breast pads, cloth "paper" towels...all of these amazing ways to be eco-friendly and save money. We will cloth diaper our future babies from the start.
Now I'm cleaning my house with vinegar, baking soda, and lemon. Definitely been missing out. I will never buy all of those expensive cleaners again!
And my faaaavorite solution for teething...
Mackena's amber teething necklace.
I am constantly asking my husband for a composter, a clothesline, a garden and a chicken coop in the back yard. :) It's pretty clear that he thinks I'm a little crazy.
I'm not perfect. Occasionally I eat meat; sometimes I shave my legs ;) I had to have a c-section and wasn't able to have a beautiful birthing experience; due to some health problems I've had. Of course, there's so much more I could do. And I'm in the process of learning and doing my research. I'm always open to other's advice. A lot of this is still new to me. Okay, I think I have rambled enough.

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